The Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker showcases a detailed leaf design with a Green Man face at the center. Roman numerals elegantly surround it for time-telling, and a compass rose with cardinal directions is etched at the base, creating a captivating addition to any outdoor space.
Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker
The Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker showcases a detailed leaf design with a Green Man face at the center. Roman numerals elegantly surround it for time-telling, and a compass rose with cardinal directions is etched at the base, creating a captivating addition to any outdoor space.
The Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker is an exquisite piece featuring intricate leaf patterns and Roman numerals, highlighted by a delicate Green Man design. The gnomon casts a shadow to indicate the time, making it an enchanting addition to any outdoor decor.
The Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker features a central ornate Green Man design and Roman numerals around its edge. Its upright gnomon casts a shadow to display the time, making it a perfect mystical addition to outdoor decor in any garden setting.
A close-up of the Green Man Terracotta Sundial by Lisa Parker showcases a detailed engraving of a leafy face in the classic Green Man design. Intricate leaves surround the face, and a compass rose elegantly points to the cardinal directions, making it an excellent choice for outdoor decor.

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